Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Preparing for Winter

Dont you love winter Themes ? Those sims that change over into a wonderful winter decor, with showy white trees, sleds and raindeer, and Santa´s. Many people really put in great efforts to make their sim a cosy winter spot. The picture below is taken at OSgrid, Christmas Land. Click to enlarge.  Location on OSG is : http://slurl.com/secondlife/Uusi%20Wilhola/75/190/477

In case you wonder why Red Dragon Sims are not covered with snow ? Because us dragons Hate the friggin Cold. We turned up the heater a notch or 2 and will remain Hot 'n Tropical. So when your AV is done freezing its pixelbutt off, you can come feel the heat and party it warm in our Club.

If you like great scenery, OSG has got many places that are really worth vising. Since the grid upgrade to 0.7 you will find that some sims have become "unavailable" because their either offline, or moved to different locations. But there are many sweet spots still around. Share us yours !

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